Thursday, September 15, 2011

Exciting week, exciting news!

Ok, so this has been an exciting week at work, I am getting to work as a technician (animal nurse) and that is so exciting to me. I'm happy to be off work today because we have stuff to do around here, but there is an exciting case going on with a pet and I'm just dying to see how it turns out. Anyway... I have been crafting. Rather a lot as of late. I'm getting lots of swaps and things ready to go. I have been making flowers:
I had a little of this material left over and I made some flowers for an online friend who makes the cutest vids with her dh. She has the cutest blog as well where she sells awesome trims and charms...check it out.

I also got inspired to try my hand at paper piecing and have been practicing my copic skills. They aren't where I want them yet, but practice makes perfect, right?

I have another card that I could NOT get a decent pic of, but I'm gonna share it anyways because I think you get the gist, and I liked it...

Other than that I just cleared my messy table

Guess I should have taken an "after", huh?

Oh, and the MOST exciting thing, I was asked to join a design team!!! Can you believe it??? I am the newest member of Vintage Heartfelt Designs. So why don't you hop on over to that blog and give them a shoutout saying Charity sent you!
Thanks so much for all your support everyone!

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