Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gotta see this video!!!

One of the docs where I work has the cutest little girl (ok, both their girls are ADORABLE). But Jane got a chance to be in a VIDEO!
Check her out...she's the little girl in blue with the curls in the video. The song is "A Woman Needs" and it's pretty cool too (if you like that "new" country sound.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

YAY Me!!

Would you believe I won something from Making Memories??? Check out this post!! I am SPEECHLESS!!! I hear Making Memories and I LOVE winning something that I can CREATE with!!! Thanks Making Memories!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

OH well, it's Monday.

So the "thing I worry about most" happened today. I called in sick to work. That's not really what I worry about. I woke up with a splitting sinus headache and an upset stomach (not sure why, but these often come at the same time for me). I got up, tried to drink coffee and will myself to feel better and go on to work. I'm training someone and I HATE not to be there as an example...but I also hate to show up sicky and give the impression we want people working when they're ill. But anyway, I called in and was told it was no problem (I never call in unless I AM SICK). The other regularly scheduled receptionist called in too. (I didn't learn this until someone called to check on me, cause like I said I don't call in unless I have to.) This is what I have lived in fear of for a while now, and honestly it made me feel sicker because I felt like I let the clinic down. Not that they want me there when I feel really bad, but come on, someone has to show up. I hate feeling the pressure of the MOST RESPONSIBLE. I'm no better than any other employee there who has a key and the responsibility of showing up every day...whatever. I finished my mini I was working on as a thank you gift yesterday and WHA LA punched the holes incorrectly with my binderie...they don't line up. Not sure how to "fix" this right now and am SO FRUSTRATED. I want to have it finished and posted on youtube. ARGH...mailed out a circle journal today and realized that as pretty as I thought it was, I didn't photo it. Oh well, at least I'm caught up for now. I need to make some cards for later this year and POST SOME PHOTOS...bear with me all. I'm working way more hours than I had planned to be working while taking two classes this time around. The only good thing is that DH is totally supportive of my hobby. A friend here told me I should put together some kits...anyone else interested in a minibook or page kit I put together??? If so sound off and I'll throw some up on Etsy (I certainly have enough stuff to do it with!)


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learning still 2010

The good news is, I'm still trying to Learn... more things at work, more things tech wise. Just this morning I learned how to save phone numbers to my SIM card on my phone so if my phone battery dies (again, I just lost mine recently) I won't lose all my contact information. That made me so sad...lots of people I didn't know how to contact otherwise...gone thanks to me just never taking the time to learn to do it. AND IT"S EASY. (Thanks Google and Ehow)

So if you haven't saved your numbers to your SIM, I reccommend you do this right away before you are sorry.

Have a great day ya'll!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, Monday

Ok, so work was a bit long LONG LONG I say...I got home at 9:22 pm this evening. I left home at 6:35am. It wasn't terrible or anything, we had our monthly staff meeting and then of course my part of the staff had an additional meeting, so after closing early at 5:30pm to get the meeting started, we still ended up being there until after 7pm. Then I had my walk with Jamie...which left me busy until late, oh well, the mini will just have to wait until Tuesday to be finished.

Keep watching, I'm gonna youtube this one, it's so cute!!! I can't wait to share it with you!!!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Better Bad Love Photo


Amazing what a little natural lighting can do for a photo!
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bad Love

I've never really felt like I NEEDED to do challenges from blogs before, well I have done a few, but Pinky (one of my fav fiskateers) just started the coolest challenge blog called Dirty Scraps. It's about scrapping the "hard" stuff. As part of my "Learn" in 2010 I felt this was a perfect place to roll up my sleeves.
I finished my first LO yesterday afternoon and so I need to take a better pic (light in the house is terrible at 5am LOL). But here's the first pic and I'll take more when it's daylight so you can see it better.

The first challenge was to scrap a peeve or downright angry moment. It's also my first LO with no photo.

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Journalling reads: 2009 So much happened that was bad-with family. My pet peeve is when adults don't want to work through their problems. -One of my pet peeves anyway. I truly believe that you grow and learn from others by talking. Talk out differences in opinion or ways of doing things. And talk about things as soon as possible. If arguments are not settled and hurts are allowed to swell and fester- there are no winners. Evveryone loses, no one gets to feel better. There are differences that can go by the wayside and be left and you can just forget what happened and start over-but every party involved has to be ready and able to do this. If just one person feels like they need an answer, and explanation or just to be heard, then they do. There is never a winner when someone is hurt. Ultimatums are a terrible thing and refusing to talk doesn't release you fro the fact that you hurt people. My pet peeve is conditional love.

The paper and most of the embellishments came from one of my old Bad Girls kits I had laying around. Supply list: Paper from Prima's "Flirty Little Secret" Shimmer, Creative Imaginations : Double Vision, Prima Say it in Swirls, Twill Tape and lace are from Crate Paper: Blue Hill The letters are Thickers: Lullaby that I have painted with Making Memories Acrylic Paint and the "bad card" was also from the kit and came from an Etsy shop...sorry not sure which one (wasn't listed at Bad Girls either, I checked).


Sunday, January 10, 2010

I love my...

CRICUT!!! I finally got the dresser downstairs and am converting part of the dining area into my scrap area. I needed a place where I could be more scrap social LOL! With not only DH but it was a pain to crop out of a crop bag when we had company so now I'm in a much more social area of the house. When I finish I'll take pics and you can be the judge (I didn't know I had so much stuff!!! LOL)

Yesterday I hung my clip-it-up wall units and my organizer that T gave me for Christmas... I LOVE THEM!! So inspiring to have beautiful stuff out to look at. Now I just need to clean up upstairs and finish filling drawers with embellies. I am taking this opportunity to pare down. My Cricut replaces some old tools I had for circle cutting and the like so I think I'm gonna have some stuff to go in Eclectica's yard sale. Whew...this has been SOME WORK.

I plugged in my bug last night and made a dozen mini envelopes, just because I could. I cropped at T's today and made a CUTE mini to give as a thank you to some friends who brought me a gift from Disney World. I'll video it after I bind it, it's CUTE!!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Old tricks!

Ok so I told you I learned to post vids on YouTube. Then I told you I learned to do vids with Titles and voice and stuff...but it took me two days and some help from DH to load my vid with sound and titles LOL...still aren't sure what I was doing wrong but I kept getting and error and he got it up the first time (it was his FIRST time to load a video to YT) LOL!!! He was awesome though, it was the only thing I have been able to concentrate on since I filmed myself (I look aweful in the video though). Hope you enjoy and now I have to go to my "real" job but I'm off work this weekend and hope to get some scrappies done.

Everything that wasn't handmade by me was purchased at my fav LSS

Monday, January 4, 2010

Woot Woot!!! Learned something else.

So I learned to get video to youtube. Now I have learned to shoot video, edit and voice over and add titles. The only thing I need to add is how to mirror image anything with writing LOL! Feel free to comment on my posts and help me get better at this!! Thanks for looking!!

My first new thing Learned in 2010!!

Made a little youtube video of my sweet kitty Starbuck playing with the toy Aunt Monica gave her for Christmas!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year to ME!!!

Can't believe a LO of mine has been featured!!!

I about you!!

Happy New Year 2010

I can't believe how fast 2009 went. I am so ready for good times and household organization (ok really mostly for my crafting area).
I don't have any hard and fast resolutions but here is what I am working on:

1. Keep my dedicated time with A.
2. Continue to be creative.
3. Explore digital creativeness.
4. Study more so I can get my grades back up where I am proud of them.
5. Continue to exercise my physical body minimum of 3 times per week.

These are things I am doing (ok, my last class grade wasn't one I liked, but it was good enough...with everything that was going on in my personal life.

There have been lots of people talking about a word focus for the year. I have been trying to think of a good word. The one I came up with was:


this works for me for several reasons.

1. I am trying to learn to be healthier.
2. I am trying to develop better study habits.
3. I am trying to expand the ways I techniques, new products, new tools.

So I am sure I will be posting lots more on my word for 2010 in various ways. Thanks to all my subscribers. I love that you care enough to want updates everytime that I post. I have a tripod now so I plan on showing more of myself along with posting more projects this year.

Thanks to all my family and rl friends who drop by. I know that some of you are sick to death of hearing me talk about scrapping :)

Happy New Year to you all. If 2009 was difficult for you then I pray that 2010 is better. I know several people (myself included) have had the most marvelous 2009 that had as many good things happen as bad. If the bad times seemed to overshadow the good, then I hope that you recognize the strength the bad times gave you... and the people who helped you through it.

I appreciate every last one of you.
